Diplomacy Creative

Film Production
Global Trade
Public Affairs & Press

We specialize film production and have offered services in international press, global public relations, foreign trade, and investments for over 15 years. Our diplomatic and creative approach is specific and strategic to effectively enhance the activities of our partners.

Film and Entertainment

We develop and produce film projects and other related to the parks and attractions industry. We are present in the world’s top-tier markets.

Global Trade

We collaborate in the international integration of companies, facilitating the export and import of products and services in the agricultural, technological, and financial sectors.

Public Affairs and Press

We offer services in international public relations, press, and investments. We research the impact of the creative industry on societal and economic development.



We participated as accredited industry members at the European Film Market, which brought together over 10,000 participants including exhibitors, rights holders, producers, buyers, and investors. It was a highly intense edition with fully booked exhibition areas and a packed schedule of meetings that yielded multiple benefits for our projects and those of our clients.

Media outlets where we publish


The Argentine Chamber of Parks and Attractions celebrated its 25th anniversary alongside Jim Pattison Jr.

The Chairman of the Board of the World Association of Parks and Attractions traveled from the United States to celebrate the anniversary of AAPA, the Argentine Association of Parks and Attractions. Jim Pattison Jr. is also the president of the entertainment park chain Ripley’s Entertainment and is the third wealthiest man in Canada.

Our Clients

Our Work

Discover some of the work we have done with film production companies, entertainment industry associations, tourism businesses, foundations, and technology innovation companies.
